Alcona LearningLAB LEARN MORE Bishop Strachan School LEARN MORE Bradford West Gwillimbury
Family Health Centre
Gore Meadows Phase 2 LEARN MORE Innisfil Fire Hall No. 5 LEARN MORE Kwong Centre for Health & Wellness LEARN MORE LiUNA Local 506 Training Centre LEARN MORE Rizzardo Health & Wellness Centre LEARN MORE
Alcona Learning Lab, Rear Exterior With Courtyard, Gordon + Gordon Group, Owner Representative Bishop Strachan School Study Area, Gordon + Gordon Group, Owner Representative Bradford West Gwillimbury Health Centre, Adjacent to Main Entrance, Gordon + Gordon Group, Owner Representative Gore Meadows Community Centre and Library, Main Building Entrance with Outdoor hockey rink, Gordon + Gordon Group, Owner Representative Innisfil Fire Station Number 5, garage doors, Gordon + Gordon Group, Owner Representative Exterior Kwong Centre for Mental Health & Wellness, Gordon + Gordon Group Liuna 506 Training center, exterior, Gordon + Gordon Group, Owner Representative Rizzardo Health & Wellness Centre, exterior, Gordon + Gordon Group, Owner Representative

Project Enhancement Services (PES)

The Gordon + Gordon Group provides tailored project enhancement services to clients focused upon improving the performance of their projects. Recent past projects include:


  • Reviewed Stakeholder formal relationships, processes and practices deployed in delivering the project.
  • Identified areas of improvement, providing recommendations to enhance project performance.
  • Letter of Reference.


  • Reviewed Stakeholder formal relationships, processes and practices deployed in delivering the project.
  • Identified areas of improvement, providing recommendations to enhance project performance.
  • Letter of Reference.


  • Reviewed Stakeholder formal relationships, processes and practices deployed in delivering the project.
  • Identified areas of improvement, identifying options to the owner addressed in seeking resolution to specific project performance challenges.


  • Reviewed Stakeholder formal relationships, processes, and practices deployed in delivering the specific projects
  • Identified areas of improvement, risk, providing recommendations to in seeking resolution to specific project performance challenges


  • Reviewed Stakeholder formal relationships, processes and practices deployed in delivering the project.
  • Identified areas of improvement, identifying options to the owner addresses in seeking resolution to specific project performance challenges, and to enhance project performance.
  • Letter of Reference.

Feasibility and Capital Finance Planning Services

We help you evaluate the viability of your project by assessing the potential risks and rewards associated with it. We also offer capital finance planning services to help you secure the funding you need to complete your project. Some examples of recently completed projects:


  • The town was provided with a comprehensive Capital Finance Plan to develop a multiuse community facility. Accepted by the Town, the facility has progressed to the construction phase.
  • Letter of Reference.


  • Provided the Church with a detailed report assessing the feasibility of developing an affordable housing facility via a project that is structured to comply with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) affordable housing financing requirements.


  • Provided an assessment of options for facilities under their jurisdiction in attaining sustainability standards identified by the Federal Government.


Provide strategic advisory services to assist in the time sensitive nature of the development of the GO station design and tender process. Navigating the Town of Innisfil in an integrated process spanning 21 months in compliance with the project stakeholders (The Province of Ontario, Metrolinx, the Developer, and the Town of Innisfil).


  • Establish a Project Charter and timeline to achieve key milestones for a GO station with construction commencing in 2022.
  • Establish a Project Charter to develop the Orbit Potential and Innovation Plan (OPIP), as it relates to the GO station project.
  • Work with Partisans in representing the Town of Innisfil and their vision of the Innisfil Mobility Orbit associated with the development of the GO station.
  • Engage and challenge the design team in the development of a station that challenges the status quo within market and technology limitations.
  • Be a conduit between the Town of Innisfil and the GO station team to drive the project in a consistent, purposeful, cost effective and consolidated manner.

Read our Case Study on The Orbit.